First Week of Thankfulness

This has been quite a week in our home! We received a new addition... Shirley!

Shirley is the sweet basset hound that David grew up with! She will be staying with us for a whole week while Dave Sr. and Brenda are out of town. It has been quite an experience for Sperry. She's not exactly a play mate, but I've got to say I'm pretty impressed with how well of a host he's been for still being a puppy. 

Brenda and I scoped out an antique store up the road in Sherwood, AR called "Hidden Treasures." I found this AMAZING gold mirror for $9.

After a little spray paint, it now looks like this...

I'm considering posting a "how-to-paint-a-mirror-frame-with-the-mirror-still-there" tutorial.

The warm weather this week was a definite bonus to undertaking this little project outside. With it being 80 degrees outside today, it's not exactly feeling like November, or that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. But, with so much going on in our world right now, we can't help but emotionally shift gears into this season of thankfulness. The images on our television of our fellow Americans living days without power and water have been heart wrenching. Specifically, the woman standing outside of the Today Show studio, behind Savannah and Matt with a sign reading, "MOM I'M OKAY" broke my heart, and I prayed that the mother of that daughter saw it.

Thursday afternoon, David and I explored a new section of North Little Rock as we ventured to one of the local libraries to vote. Earlier that day, I had watched men and women from the national guard help people out of their homes in Hoboken, NJ. I was a little emotional walking into that library thinking about all of the men and women who have served so that I could go and do what I was about to - cast a ballot, have a say, participate in politics. 

A lot of people will make it to a polling place to do the same thing, and I hope voters will remember that it's a blessing for us to have this right, the right to vote. So, even if you're not in love with your choices, you've been given the opportunity to have a say. 

Thank you to the men, women, and families who've sacrificed so we can have a say and live in freedom. We are forever thankful. 


  1. So how many dogs does this make? Do they get along?

  2. Two. Right after this was posted Shirley started chasing Sperry around the house in circles! I've never heard either of them bark so loud or so much! But, David insisted this was Shirley's way of playing with Sperry. It was quite a scene! The whole thing lasted about 10 min at which point Shirley retired to her dog bed, and Sperry was left befuddled.


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