Bloggers vs Writers

There are writers, and there are bloggers. They are two very different things.

However, some writers do blog. And we love their blogs- because they do more than just share recipes, or DIY-tricks, or family photos, etc - they communicate on another level - a level that is specific to the written word.

Read many different types of blogs, and you'll see what I mean.

Not all bloggers are writers, and not all writers blog. But, for those of us who have more than dipped our toes into the blogging world, we sure do love it when our favorite writers also blog.

When writers blog we get all of the goodness that comes with a thick, truth-dense book in a shorter, more compact nugget. But the level of communication mastery is still there. Because they are not just blogging - they're writing.

I was at lunch the other week with a new friend. After our salads were finished and the hands on the clock were nearing the end of the lunch hour, we discovered we both shared a passion for writing.

You get excited when you meet another writer. Writers get it.

Bloggers post to share.

Writers write to birth deep thoughts and feelings and convictions onto paper (computer screen) where others, maybe, one day will be able to understand and relate and be moved, changed, affirmed, challenged through the strings of carefully considered words inked to paper. Writers know that they themselves communicate better when their words come through their fingers instead of their mouths.

Bloggers might not understand the difference. But writers do.

Lucinda is such a writer, and I love that about her.

I love that, like me, she wrote things years ago that no one else has ever read. She didn't need the whole world to read it. She just needed to write it. So she did.

Lucinda realized the blogging world could provide a platform for her to share that which the Lord has placed on her heart to share with other people through the written word.

And, her first blog post left me wanting more. I knew it was exactly the kind of truth and content that my faithful readers get excited about too.

She is fierce and transparent - a powerful combination.

So, it is my privilege to share with you Lucinda's debut post to her blog Lucinda's Life Lessons.

Welcome to the blogging world, Lucinda. We are excited to have another writer join our world.
