A Sun Shower

I stare at the screen on my phone ... Thailand??

I roll onto my side, barely awake, and focus my eyes on the little words in the email ...

We detected a login attempt with valid password to your Yahoo! account from an unrecognized device on Fri, Apr 26 ... Location: Thailand.

I roll out of bed and start following the directions on my phone to reset my password. As I walk towards the desktop computer in our home office, Sperry hears me moving around and comes barreling down the hallway. 

David follows from the kitchen, "Good morning," he says as he welcomes me into a new day with a big hug.

"I got hacked," I mumble back at him staring at my phone.

David is steady. He's never easily excited. He looks at my phone as I explain that I've already reset the password and that I'm going to check some other accounts that could have been affected. 

It took about 5 minutes to check into everything else, and thankfully it all looked okay.

Several hours later, Sperry and I listen to thunder boom outside while jungle-like rain pours out of the sky...

"Thailand has jungle regions," I think as I look out the window.

I go back to drawing a picture for the girls to color tonight at the Dream Center while we talk about peer pressure. 

The thunder booms again. 

"What was the purpose in that, Lord? We've been hacked before ... thankfully everything worked out, but are you trying to teach me something this time? Or maybe each time?"

The thunder booms again.

I scan the picture into my computer and send it to Nati to print for tonight. 

The sun breaks through the clouds, and I look out the window and cast my eyes about a beautiful sun shower.

Maybe the lesson is that you never know what each day is going to bring. No matter what, we have to trust that God is in control of the things that are out of our control, the things that happen while we sleep, and the things that happen without our knowledge, permission, or preference. 

That there are people who don't want what's best for us. That hard stuff happens. That the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10) 

That after the events we suffered through last week as our friends and families in Boston and around the country endured terror... goodness, justice, and love won. 

That we shouldn't get all frazzled and excited when the dark storms set in, because they will. We know they will. We've been warned. 

But, God's got it, and the Son is going to come out again.

"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also." John 14:1-3
